Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 30, 2008

Cade, 1st few weeks

Unfortunately, the power was out in our house. We spent a few days in a local hotel. Not the happy, hospital homecoming we had dreamed of... but we were thrilled to be healthy and "home."

Cade is one week old in pics below. He slept most of the time, including through the night. However, we had to wake him up for feedings and diaper changes.

Two Weeks Old

Grandma Dianne (yet to be named, as she is currently trying out 4 or 5 different grandma names) stayed with us during the first two weeks. She was a great help with establishing routines.

Thank you for visiting our little family!

Mimi Bobbye and Papa Lloyd (above, left).

Cousin Stewart and Natalie (above, right).

Cousin George and Ann (below, left).

Kathlene, Cade, friend Ty, and buddy Leah Kate (below, right).

Sunday, June 22, 2008


We had been in labor since 4:00 AM that morning when we arrived for our scheduled cesarean. Dr. Hardwick-Smith could not have predicted the date more accurately. The entire experience was amazing.

Caden Ryan came into our world right on schedule, June 16th, at 10:24 AM. He weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. He was 19 1/4 in. long.

We had many visitors and enjoyed each one of you!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Father's Day

Soon-to-be Grandpa Dale flew in from WA state.
Granddaddy Pat drove in from Colorado.
We celebrated Father's Day by throwing a family BBQ.