Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

We visited Uncle Paul and Aunt Susan's ranch over Labor Day weekend. We had a great time! Great-granddaddy and Sharon popped in for a visit early Saturday morning.

Napping on Aunt Susan's shoulder (left), hanging out with Lauren (right).

The Aggie game was an unfortunate mess. Cade couldn't handle the disappointment and fell asleep.

We celebrated Aunt Susan's, Jael's and Grandmama Dianne's birthday. The ladies had "high tea" with hats and all! Everyone took on their own character. We had a blast!

Cade really loved the ranch! He sat on his first horse and road on a tractor.

He can't wait to return to the ranch!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Go Texans!

We went to the Texans' game Thursday. Cade loved the noise and excitement. When he wasn't napping, he watched the jumbo-tron and visited with Auntie Jen and Grandma Joyce.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

2 Months

Caden is 12 lbs, now. He is smiling but very particular about sharing this. His laugh is still developing. Right now, it sounds like "ggg-eeeeee!" Cade seems to babble more and more with each day. He has a very strong posture. He enjoys noisy, bright objects. Recently, Cade discovered himself in the mirror. We are having so much fun with his discovery phase!

We watched a pre-season Texans game the Harwell's house Saturday. Cade was enthralled by the action!

Cade visits Grandma Joyce's.

Aunt Sandra visited on her way back to her fall semester at TAMU. They napped together.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Visit to Aggieland

What's so funny?!

I'm gonna rattle your world!

Granddaddy Pat visiting from Colorado.

Cousin Cara graduated from TAMU! From left, Kathlene, Cara, Granddaddy Pat and... even though Cade was passed out, he was 'born to be an Aggie.' Whoop!

Visiting with Cousin Stewart and Cousin Lauren.