Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Visit from a Cousin

Cousin Jael came to visit Houston during her Spring Break. We had so much fun during the few days we spent together. We spent some of the visit shopping for a dress for her 8th grade Graduation. Jael found a beautiful pink dress at The Galleria. So cute! Caden loved bonding with his cousin! Thanks for including us in your vacation, Jael!

Monday, March 16, 2009

9 mos.

Cade is at such a fun stage! He is into EVERYTHING and is a non-stop mover. What a work-out! We enjoy watching him interact with his environment. Babies are so smart and amazing. He is getting to be more and more confident on his feet, moving around by holding onto objects and side-stepping. He is struggling a bit right now since four upper teeth are trying to come in all at the same. It does make his behavior a bit unpredictable. But we are still in heaven! He is in the first stages of talking, too. Cade says, "pup-pup" when talking to the dogs. He also says, "boom" when he falls, "cla-cla" when he claps, and "dada" and "mama." We love our little man!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Visiting Cousins in Dallas

Last week we traveled to visit some of our family in Dallas. Caden had so much fun playing soccer with Cousin Will! Cade also took his first ride on a scooter! Check out the video below. Thanks to Aunt Sandra, Uncle Clark, Cousins Beth, Will and Lauren for such a wonderful visit :)

Scooter Video...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Picnic in the Park

I love to swing with Daddy!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Houston Rodeo!

On Saturday, we went to the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. We went early in the morning and avoided all the crowds! Caden had so much fun looking at all the baby animals! We even had a family photo taken with Miss Moo!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Playdate at the Park!

We visited some friends in Katy on Thursday. Caden had a blast with Buddy Cade at the park. They really enjoyed the swings! Thanks for inviting us, Lindy and Cade :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Lunch with College Crew

On Sunday, we met some of our good friends from Texas A&M for lunch after church. Caden had a ball hanging out with Ms. Layla and Mr. Brian. Can't wait to hang out again soon, guys!