Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

One of each!

We are so excited about having one girl and one boy, at least for the time being ;) I have been working in the nursery, off and on, and am finally pleased with the arrangement. Charlotte's side is pink and green. Caden's side is blue and green.

See below picture of Daddy and Mommy :)

Last week, #25, baby is the size of a rutabaga (haha!)

This week, #26, baby is the size of a large cucumber. Here, Cade and I are waiting for Charli Kate's monthly check-up.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Shower Happenings

We hostessed a baby shower for one of our dear friends, Ashley, this weekend. She is expecting Baby Jemma on October 1. (Pictured below, Lillie, Me, Ashley, Anissa, Courtney and Lindy) had so much fun with the planning and preparations. We can't wait to see Jemma, we love her so much already!

See picture (right) of Caden and Mommy... pregnant 24 weeks with baby Charli Kate, the size of an ear of corn!

1st Haircut at 13 mos.

Last weekend, we decided that Caden needed his hair cut. At the time, we felt that he was long overdue! Our first mistake was choosing to cut hair right before bedtime. However, the struggle didn't last long and in a manner of minutes Cade was transformed from toddler to young boy (sob)! He looks so different... grown up in a way. We immediately regretted going through with it :( Oh well, it is just hair... it will grow.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Full, Fun 4th of July!

How wonderful that we live in America where we can celebrate our freedoms! We appreciate all who continue to help maintain our liberties and safety. THANK YOU! The weekend began with a trip to College Station to visit Aunt Sandra. Cousin Lauren stopped by on her way to Houston. We had a such a good visit and it was so great to see y'all!!!

When we returned to Houston, we dropped off the pup-pups and headed to G'ma's for great food and more fun! G'ma had many cute 4th of July decorations and she even set up a kid-sized pool in the back yard. Cade had so much fun swimming and splashing after dinner! Thanks for such a wonderful celebration!

On the way home from G'ma's, we stopped by the Keramati residence to watch fireworks. It was so great to see our friend Layla! We ran around on the golf course while waiting for the fireworks display... that is, until the water sprinklers came on! So funny!!!

On Sunday, we met our friends Karen, Adam and Ali for lunch. Then we headed to Splashpad to continue the water-themed weekend! The kids had so much fun running around the neighborhood water park and playing in the fountains. What a wonderful, full three days :) Whew!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

22 weeks :)

Daddy with Cade at swimming lessons... we had just melted down and are in recovery. Cade doesn't like to go too far under with the teacher... we are working on this!

Baby Charlotte is the size a a spaghetti squash (none in the pic, fresh out of that) this week! We had a good check-up today and were able to schedule the c-section date. Friday, October 23rd is when we will meet Baby! What a thrill!!!

Caden is also excited. We continue to explain what an important role he has to be a good big brother to his sister.