Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

30 weeks

We met some friends for a play date this week. Every time Caden would pass by the dragon, he would growl at it. So funny! He had fun running circles around the play equipment at the mall (and around me). Thanks for meeting up, Lisa! The girls are perfect :)

We had an appointment today and all looks well with the scheduled delivery. We may have a shy baby on our hands... Charlotte kept moving away from the sensor when the technician tried to measure her heartbeat! Baby is the size of a head of cabbage at 30 weeks. Last night Ryan took some pictures of Cade and Charli Kate... "Smell my toes, Charlotte!"
Giving kisses to Charlotte, who Cade affectionately calls "Cha-cha."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Birthday, Wedding Galore!!

Friday, we celebrated our sweet friend, Cade James, first birthday! The theme was a cupcake party. There were blue/green decorations with pictures of Cade's first year everywhere! It is just as much fun for the parents to celebrate as the kiddos... maybe even more, see Matt and Lindy helping Cade open his many cool presents!

Josh & Courtney, expecting Baby Hunter in Early November; Cade, Lindy & Matt; Tae & Ashley, expecting Baby Jemma by October; Kathlene, Caden & Ryan

Mark (an Aggie classmate/neighbor) and Casy (one of my college roomies) were married on Saturday. We attended the beautiful wedding in Corpus Christi. The reception was wonderful with delicious food and fun dancing. I even "waddled" out for the Aggie War Hymn. Congratulations to The Carrell's!

Just Married!!!


Don''t fight it.... smoooooooooooooch!!! Auntie Jen playing with Cade and his little buddy Skylar :) She is so cute! Can't wait to hang out again!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

9 Weeks and Counting...

Recently, we purchased a froggy potty for Cade. For several weeks, we have been talking with him about the potty training process and actions that we take. He has had three very successful days of random trips to the potty!!! By no means do we expect Cade to become potty trained - his is only 14 mos. old! But we are taking advantage of some of his "I'm ready" signals and interest. So exciting for Caden! What a big boy :)

We have been trying to keep up our schedule during the week with low-key activities. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions with Charlotte. Add that to ballooning feet, hands, and other parts and.... YAY! Only nine weeks until we have our Charlotte (she is now the size of a butternut squash)! So we planned a trip to The Woodlands Mall for a lunch date with sweet friends, Pamela and Baby Jenna. Cade and Jenna really enjoyed the carousel ride.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mr. Clean

Yesterday, Cade and I both woke up with a case of "the Mondays." So we spent the morning making cookies. Cade did a thorough job of licking the beater :) We both felt better after this fun activity :)

Cade had his last swimming lesson of the summer last night. He has really progressed well! We are so proud of his pool abilities :) Afterward, Ryan and Cade vacuumed the living room. Either Ryan or I vacuum on a daily basis, so of course he is a natural-born cleaner ;) Check out this video of Mr. Clean...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Drive By!

This weekend we visited some of our good friends, Karen, Adam and Ali. Cade and Ali play very well together! They are working to put Mr. Potato Head back together in the picture above. Ali has an electronic 4-wheeler and Cade got a chance to test it out, after dinner. See video below :)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Backyard Fun

Cade had fun trying out his new running shoes and playing with his puppies in the backyard! Check out this video...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 Trimesters Down - 1 to Go!

Whew! We have officially entered the third trimester. I am thrilled to almost have my Charlotte! We have been preparing Cade for the coming changes by talking about the responsibilities of becoming a big brother. He is understanding some things and not others. Also, Ryan is trying to spend more one-on-one time with Caden. What a man-tastic idea! Cade has recently entered into the independence phase of toddler-hood, quite a challenge but a joy at that!

Pictured above, Cade and Mommy (28 weeks pregnant with Charlotte)

Monday, August 10, 2009

"Sprinkle" Us!

Recently, my dear friends Ashley and Lindy hostessed a baby "sprinkle" for Baby Charlotte and myself. The term "sprinkle" is a clever play on words. Since this is our second child, Ryan and I received many generous essentials before Cade was born at our "showers." This time around we received many wonderful girly items for little Charli Kate at the sprinkle.

Ashley made this cute wreath for our hospital door out of pretty pink fabrics! Lindy created this adorable name banner! She came up with a great idea to place the letters as the background on Charlotte's memory book pages.

The table was beautifuly decorated with flowers and yummy treats. I thought that the fruit baby carriage was super creative!

The diaper cake the girls put together, had super cute accessories... bunny slippers, cupcake hair clips, a rattle and a teether! They also chose a cross for the nursery that had pink, blue and green decor with a the Bible verse, 'The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go,' Joshua 1:9.

Lindy also had a yellow floral travel bag personalized with Charlotte's name, which we will be taking to the hospital in October. It isn't pictured, yet, but it is absolutely beautiful!!!

Our lovely hostesses, Ashley on the left and Lindy on the right :)

We had many loving friends and family attend the sprinkle. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us in person and also those who sent warm wishes! We love you and cannot wait for you to meet our Charlotte... She is already such a blessing!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Boy's Got Skills!

In this video, Caden shows off one of many athletic abilities, running in place. He thinks he is so funny... and he really is HILARIOUS!

Making Beach Memories

This weekend we went to Galveston with a few friends. We had so much fun during our much needed get-away! The weather was perfect and the company even better.

(Notice Cade's tiny footprint in Daddy's sandal to the right!)

Cade and Ali washing off the sand in the tub!

We also went to Schlitterbahn. What a blast the babies (and adults) had riding the slides! We can't wait to go back :) Thanks to Adam and Karen for all of their awesome help to make the weekend such a success!