Diuring "busy season" we miss Ryan so much! The kids sometimes have several weeks of not seeing Daddy except on the weekends because of their sleep schedule. So we are always looking for new projects and opportunities to stay busy during this empty time of year. Last week the weather was not very cooperative. On top of that, everyone in the house was sick (except for Miss Charlie Kate) so we were unable to get out of the house much.
Cade, 19 month old on Saturday, has picked up a new hobby. Flash cards. Seriously?? Aunt Sandra visited us last week and brought him a bunch of animal flash cards. He LOVES to practice! He also enjoys to tickle his sister - such a sweet big brother!
Charli Kate, 3 months this week, is following along in her brother's footsteps with her amazing talking abilities. She loves to giggle and coo in conversation. But she is quite the observer and never speaks unless spoken to. She HATES to be wet and I fear that the stores are restocking diapers just for us... $$$! Last week she rolled over and is close to sitting up unsupported. What a big girl!
"Kiss, kiss, kiiiiiiiiissssssssssss!"