Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 23, 2010

First and Last Nose Job

Sadly, I broke my nose last week. When this happens, one has a window of approximately 10 days to have it reset. So, this Thursday I had mine surgically reset. Papa and Pam took care of the kids that day. They enjoyed a trolly ride around The Woodlands. G'ma stayed with us on Friday and had a great time hanging out with us, too. Aunt Sasa came in from College Station on Friday afternoon to help, also. I have been unable to lift and bend down and my family had been a GREAT help. Thank you for stepping in to take care of the Mommy-Bear this week! I love you!

A Taste of WA State

We have had a great visit with Papa Dale and Pam this week. They brought delicious Alaskan King Crab for dinner. The kids had fun with Papa during the week. It is so good to hang out together again. We will be so sad to see them go! Love you!
3 generations of Thompson men
Bluebell? Yes, please!
We love Papa!
We were tricked into a shopping trip but had fun with each other anyway! I love my parnter in crime!

Gig'em Aggies!

Mimi and Granddaddy with Cade during Parents Weekend at A&M.

Granddaddy Paul

Last week we drove to Abilene to visit Granddaddy Paul. He is doing very well in the rehabilitation hospital and hopes to head home soon! We love you and miss you Great-Granddaddy Paul!
 Dinner with Great-Uncle Paul, "The Coolest Aunt" Susan and Cousin Jael Bird was so yummy! Love you guys!

Mickey Mouse on ICE

We loved seeing our Disney friends at Disney on ICE last weekend. Mickey was our favorite, of course!

More popcorn, anyone?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Our friends, The Kessner's, welcomed daughter Ella Brooke into their sweet family yesterday. I saw Charli Kate's newest friend last night. She is just darling with beautiful cheeks and rosey skin. Congrats to Matt, Lindy and Big Brother Cade! Sending you much love across the miles!


Monday our playgroup went to play in the fountains at Market Street. We missed that playdate but went the next day to check out the fun. This wasn't the first time we have been to the fountains but it never gets old to see Caden enjoy himself!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What a Sweet Life

Dinner was ready when Ryan got home from work last night. He sat down with Caden to eat, while I stepped out to run a time-sensitive errand. As I grabbed my keys and purse, my 21 month old toddler called after me, "Have fun!" I replied, "Thank you, Sweet Boy! See you soon!" He repeated, "See you soon, Mama. Miss you. Love you."

What a sweet life!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Red Like the Blood of Christ

We had a wonderful Easter weekend with family, despite our illness! Wednesday, Caden was sick with a 36 hour stomach virus. Of course he passed it to me on Thursday. And I gave it to Charlotte on Friday. Ryan had it on Saturday evening, during all the Easter fun at G'ma's. Sadly, we did not make it to Easter service on Sunday. And very sadly, we passed the virus to G'ma and Auntie Jen.
We dyed eggies at G'ma's on Saturday. She had many cute bunny decorations and special bunny cupcakes for us! It was also fun to spend Easter lunch with family. Caden enjoyed his many Easter treats and a special egg hunt. We wore red to symbolize our reverance to Christ's blood.Charlotte wore a precious lady bug dress from Cousin Lauren. We hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter and was able to celebrate Christ's ressurection. Happy spring!
Cade and Charli Kate's Easter baskets
The kids' Easter treats from G'ma
Beautiful Easter Lily arrangement from G'ma

No like-y cereal!

Charli Kate didn't like her first taste of cereal... guess we will try again, soon!