During the week, our Playgroup Halloween Party kicked off the Halloween celebration. Beki did such a great job! We had so much fun decorating pumpkins and cookies. The kids lasted in their costumes for all of about 15 minutes, which I thought was pretty good ;)
We had planned to attend church on Halloween morning and the Fall Festival in the afternoon, but Caden woke up early, early that morning with a fever and sinus infection. He and Charlotte both have had colds so we decided to rest up for the evening.
We are trying to build up the kids holiday reading sets, so they both received Halloween books and a few other small goodies.
We made special Halloween treats for dinner including Spooky Eyeball tacos, Jack-o-lantern Dip and chips, Boo-tiful Jello salad and Dirt Cups with Worms!
Pictured above, our sweet Charlotte as a pig and Caden, a fluffy rooster. Ryan and I are farmers :)
Trick or Treating went well and the kids received too much candy! We saw many cute costumes. Caden loved seeing so many Spiderman costumes and made a couple of new friends. Charlotte called out, "Isla," every time she heard a neighborhood dog bark. The hilarity ensued for two whole streets!

Needless to say, Ryan and I had more fun together this Halloween than on any other Halloween before!