Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 27, 2011

Anniversary To Be a "Do-Over"

(Picture below courtesy of The Woodlands Resort website)
Ryan booked a room at The Woodlands Resort for our 5th anniversary; the "wood" anniversary.  Bags were packed for just the two of us.  The kiddos were going to spend the afternoon and evening with us and then head off with family for the rest of the night and into the next morning.  We checked in after 3 and headed straight for the pool.  Shortly after, we were walking back to our room when Charlotte told me that her tummy hurt.  Seconds later the plans that we had made began to unravel...
FIVE - The number of outfits I changed during an eight hour period while our baby suffered through her virus.
FOUR - The number of feet our 20 month old daughter's vomit would arc before it fell.
THREE - The number of hours poor Charli slept that night.
TWO - The number of times Ryan and Caden had to go back to the house for supplies, clothes, a bucket... you get the picture.
ONE - The number of dolls that we threw away and will have to replace.  Enough said.

Sadly for our Charli, this all happened at a hotel where she was out of her comfort zone.  Thankfully for us, this all happened at a hotel and not our home.  Obviously, we are going to have an anniversary "do-over."   Now that Charlotte is well, we are already able to laugh at the inside jokes from our 5th anniversary.  Ryan is my best friend and I cannot begin to describe how thankful we are for our marriage.  Regardless of the situation, we are always a team!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Father's Day 2011

Getting geared up to watch the Aggie baseball team... but out for a bite of steak first!
 What can we say, Honey?! You are the best of everything for and to us. We love, love, love you!
Happy Daddy's Day!!

More B-day Shenanigans

Fire Engine Party!
"Gig'Em Aggies!"
Thanks Uncky Lane and Auntie Saman-ta!!
 "Paging Dr. Caden and Nurse Charlotte, STAT!" Papa and Pam sent Caden's cute Fire Engine #3 shirt!
 Birthday brunch with the kiddos at our local Cracker Barrel! Yummy!
We celebrated with barbecue for dinner - Caden's request, of course!
 AND enjoyed a fire engine birthday cake with our big 3 year old!
 Then time for a few presents from Daddy, Mommy and Charlotte!
 The new Cars 2 characters Cade loved; the clothes he dug; but the Cars tent was the hit of the day! 
May GOD bless you during the next wonderful year of your life, Son. You are so amazing and we cannot wait to see what you give back to this world!

Chief Caden is Turning 3!

We celebrated Caden's third birthday at the Houston Fire Museum last weekend. He had so much fun playing in the fire truck with his buddies! Everyone dressed up like firemen and ladies and slid down the fire pole. Thanks to all who joined us for this special event!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Beach Time

At the Seaside
by R.L. Stevenson

When I was down beside the sea
A wooden spade they gave to me
To dig the sandy shore.
My holes were empty like a cup.
In every hole the sea came up,

Till it could come no more.

Above, Caden and Uncky James digging up Mustang Island.
Below, Charlotte and Aunt Sasa relaxing in the sun.
 Show your muscles! "GRRRRRRRR!"
Charlotte to Daddy, "Don't leave you! I'm coming for me!"
It was sooooo hard to pack up and leave Port Royal and the beach. But riding down on the luggage cart was a good distraction!

If you have ever been to Port Aransas, then you have probably also had your picture taken in one of the five giant shark mouths! Always good for random fun!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Arnolds

 The weekend was full of celebration for Christina and Justin!
The event, beautiful and classic, was special for us to attend.  Ryan and Justin were in PPA together A&M and I have loved getting to know Christina over the past few months.
From "sawing varsity's horns off" to blowing bubbles as they ran out to their golf cart decorated in Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez paraphernalia, much fun was had by all!

 We were all neighbors at TAMU, on Vassar Ct, many years ago!
Cheers to Scott Ball and Congrats to the happy couple!

Last Day for Twos

 It was an ice cream and cookie celebration!  Caden was very excited, as usual, for his last day of Twos.  Watching the kindergartners walking in, in their "Sunday's best" for graduation, that morning made me pause with sadness knowing Caden and Charlotte are just a few years away from that scene...
 We loved his teacher, Ms. Julie!  We are so thankful for her guidance and patience with the kiddos!  What a great year!  Check out the cuties below.