Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Caught on Camera

This sweet moment was caught on camera!!

Game Time

We spent the day in Aggieland a few weekends ago! We had the best seats, thanks to the Harwells!

Friday, November 18, 2011

PreK Thanksgiving


The kiddos helped make G'ma's birthday cake this year. We had a great time baking together!!

Nutcracker Whaaaaat?!

Nutcracker Whaaaaat?! This year was my first attempt attending The Nutcracker Market. We went on Friday evening and of course didn't have enough time to see everything... But it was sooo much fun!! I may have embarrassed myself in front of a TV celebrity, Kristian Alfonso (Hope from Days of Our Lives). She will probably file me away in her "weirdos file" and tell of the awkward moment when I asked if she was "a real person?!"

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lunch Funtime!

 We met our sweet friend Layla for a fun lunch this weekend!  We always enjoy catching up!

Pajama Breakfast Birthday

We attended a Pajama breakfast for our sweet friend Hunter and it did not disappoint!  There was plenty of yummy breakfast food including a few sweet treats.  Charlotte's favorite were the "bacon and eggs" made from pretzel sticks and almond bark and yellow M&Ms! So creative, Courtney!
 Making pancakes out of playdough!
Happy Birthday, to the sweetest "short stack!"

Happy Halloween!

Paging M'urse Caden and Doctor Charlotte... STAT!
Our sweet little friend, Audrey.
 Let's go to the next house!

More Fun Moments

Breakfast with Caden at my new table!
LOOOVVE my Minnie "wierdo" doll!
Cousin Lauren, this cake puzzle is so much fun!!

Fairy Charli Kate
G'ma, thanks for playing with me while Mama and Daddy were setting up for my party!
Cousin picture!
Thanks for taking cute pictures of me, Cousin Jael!
Playing in the poonkin' patch!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

"There Are Fairies..."

 "... at the bottom of our garden," begins a favorite childhood poem that Mom would often recite to us when we were younger. Hearing her recite it to the kiddos inspired the Fairy Garden theme for Charlotte's 2nd birthday party. Thanks to all of the family members who pitched in to help make this birthday party so special for Fairy Charli Kate and all of her little friends!
We gave the girls wings which I found online for next to nothing at HaloHeaven. I also made them matching tutus, wands and halos. I made the boys Peter Pan-like hats similar to an idea that I saw on YouTube. They also received foam swords because, well, why not?!

Some of our cute foods were enchanted trees (celery sticks in peanut butter), pixie potion (juice boxes), forest acorns ( Nilla wafers connected to a Hershey Kiss with peanut butter), fairy wands (pretzel sticks dipped in almond bark), woodland berries (raspberries with chocolate chips in the middle), bunnies (chocolate bunny crackers), butterfly cupcakes, butterfly cookies  (thank you to my friend, Ashley!) and chicken nuggets. 
Our backyard was decorated in toadstools, an idea found while searching blogs during nap time. I also copied some great decor tips from one of my favorite blogs The TomKat Studio.
 Fairy Favors
We staged a pixie photo opportunity for the fairies and elves.
We also had face painting for the kiddos!
Birthday cupcakes
We had to bribe her with cookies to sit still long enough to open presents!

What a "fairy" fun day!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Putt Putt!

We went to a black-lit indoor mini golf place over the weekend! Caden was very competitive and focused while Charlotte would throw the ball in the hole and scream, "I did it! Look at me!" So fun!