Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Early Saturday Morning Phonecalls

Recently, my Granddaddy on Mom's side passed away. Actually, it was many weeks ago but I have not been able to post. Others were pleased with the humble service during the week between Christmas and New Years but it was very emotionally confusing for me. It seemed as though each of us buried a different person that day (very simply put) because of his complicated nature. While it can be hard to love complicated people unconditionally, I loved him dearly. He was kind and charming and funny and always appreciated my direct nature. I only knew him to be a good man and that was the last thing I told him the morning he went home to Jesus. His pacemaker had been scheduled to be turned off and less than an hour before his heart stopped beating on it's own, Granddaddy said, "I just wish this (pacemaker) would stop working." Amazing... to outlive at least two heart attacks that I know of, progressed diabetes, amputations due to poor circulation, hundreds of defibrillations from a handful of pacemakers, and liver cancer at the very end to then quietly and painlessly pass away almost one year exactly to the date that he accepted Christ as his saviour. Granddaddy's suffering is finally at rest and for this I am so thankful. We never go one day before God is ready; it is always in His timing. (There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens: Ecclesiastes 3:1)   
My memories of Granddaddy and Grandmother are pleasant and I can remember that Granddaddy would often take me to the candy shop after we visited his friend at a piano store. They paid for the Disney channel all year long just so they would have it when the kiddos visited. Sometimes Granddaddy would go to the bank and take me with him in the morning. Then we would stop by Jack and Jill Donuts for a chocolate iced doughnut. I can remember climbing their tree in the front yard with my then little brother to make believe we were on a jungle adventure. Time spent picking up the fallen pecan shells in the yard. Grandmother's library in the children's bedroom was extensive and I have purchased some of the classics that I remember for my own children since those had long been thrown away. Playing with wooden blocks and stick horses were a fun afternoon activity, too. Granddaddy once drove from Abilene to Nebraska to watch me, then a sixth grader, preform in a high school musical. Exciting places we visited were Echos (just a local Chinese restaurant but had the best fortune cookies and creamy mints), the Abilene Zoo, Crystals (kind of like Mr. Gatti's) where I became a competitive skee ball player and driving through some of the larger neighborhoods during December to view the Christmas collections displayed in the picture windows. While attending college, early Saturday morning phone calls became a routine, though he would never talk for more than two minutes. If by chance a phone call would last more than 5 minutes, I remember worrying that Granddaddy was lonely or not feeling well. Sometimes he would call me during the middle of the week, pretending to be hurt that he hadn't heard from me, though we both knew we had talked only a few days before. I havent spoken much of this but I find my self sad these day and missing these phone call, now.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Luke 2:11

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

Christmas morning came quickly this year with Caden wondering if Santa came and Charlotte asking if Santa ate all the cookies they had set for him?!  The anticipation was almost too much to take as the kiddos waited at the top of the stairs while Daddy video recorded all of the goodies by the fireplace.
So thankful for these two sweet babies...

 Who are thankful for two bikes!!
As well as a grill and a cupcake kitchenette!
All were very thankful for coffee and G'ma's yummy cinnamon rolls :)
 So thankful for full stockings (this year only one person got coal) and many funny moments,
 ... thankful for endless meaningful gifts and thoughts,
...thankful for tiny hands to help unwrap,
... thankful for family (near and far),
 ... and time spent together
 ... in a full home on a full Christmas Day!
But most of all, thankful to have a GOD who sacrificed his son so that we may live again!
Merry, Merry Christmas!

T'was The Night Before...

Above and below opening a few special presents to savor the excitement!!
Thanks Uncle Lane, Aunt Mantha and Cousin 'Cole!
 Making our snowman cookies to set out for Santa. Thanks, Strong Family for providing the fixins! Also blue Gatorade was set out for Santa... we are nothing short of quirky in this household ;)
After attending a special Christmas Eve chruch service, devouring traditional Mexican food and bubble baths, we were off to read The Christmas Story from the Bible and T'was The Night Before Christmas!! Cannot wait to see if Santa comes...

Christmas-Take 2

Auntie Jen and Uncle Dalvin planned to spend Christmas in WA State with Papa and Pam so we were able to celebrate with them a little early! We scarfed down dinner so that we could tear into Christmas-Take 2...

Among other sweet treats, Caden received a race track!
 Charlotte, a doll house!
Jen and Dalvin gave Ryan and I some great clothes!  They also gave me a new cookbook that I cannot wait to try!
More fun goodies...
 Merry, Merry Christmas!

Not Just Any Graduate

For those of you who know me well, you know that I don't use the word miracle often. In fact, I can count on one hand the number of miracles that I think I have witnessed. At a later day, I may reference the others but now I want to recognize this sweet event. Cousin Lauren graduated from nursing school at Baylor University just a few weeks ago. Just over four years ago, we were saying good-bye to her in the Ben Taub ER as she lay comatose, suffering from a brain aneurysm. I remember stroking her limp hand as her beautiful fair eyes rolled back into her head, tubes connected to every open space and her hair shaved where the shunt had been placed to relieve the pressure/fluids. I remember we all prayed and prayed and prayed for a miracle...
 All on Earth were unsure of her recovery as Lauren regained consciousness and at the time it was clear there would be many deficits to overcome. But she was never alone...
Lauren reeducated herself on all levels.  And she was always loved...
 The longer the healing process, the harder simple life skills became to remaster.  And she was always prayed for...
 Lauren was driven to complete her goal of nursing school, hard enough for most people, let alone one recovering from brain trauma.  And she was always supported...
 I think it is easy to take life for granted, all the little things that we appreciate.  I know that I do.  I don't think that makes us bad, just fallen. 
Thankfully, GOD will never leave our side.
It is His promise.

Auntie Jen and Christmas-Take 1

 We celebrated Auntie Jen's birthday at G'ma's recently.  The weather was cool and comfortable... perfect for playing in the leaves!  (As usual, fall arrived in Houston during the middle of December.)
 Then inside to "help" Auntie Jen open her presents!
We also opened Christmas with Aunt Cathy... among many sweet gifts, she gave us a family pass to Children's Museum of Houston!! SO EXCITED to get the group together to try it out!
Happy Birthday, Sweet Jen!
 Fabulously delicious cake... yes, the cream cheese frosting is coated in white chocolate. Yuuuuumm.

Family Festivities

Try to play catch-up on the blog and recent family festivities...
 Watching the Texan's game at home!
 Putting make-up on together!
 Attending Christmas Chapel at Caden's preschool!
Snow inside the scantuary! It is a Christmas miracle!