Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 10, 2012

Oh Beautiful For Spacious Skies...

We started the holiday off with attending the Market Street parade. CB&I has a float and the kiddos have ridden the past couple of years. It is always hot but our float was one of the first in line which meant our part was over quickly!
 Preparing to float the parade!

Then back to the house for a round and Spinner with the sisters and good cooking :)
So excited for fireworks - that we are going to bust!! We thought we's start with something classic like Sparklers... two seconds after I took this picture, I put out a fire on Charlotte's skirt. True Story.
Seriously, excited...
 The Cones were solid entertainment for our youngsters.
 Chaos. Sheer chaos.
 Tried to make a "T" with our Sparklers but we weren't fast enough.

Six Years

We had exchanged gifts on our actual anniversary but wanted to celebrate at a later date, when we didn't have such a full schedule. We actually celebrated our anniversary with an overnight get away to the Double Tree Suites in the Galleria. Before heading to the hotel we enjoyed dinner at one of our old favorite restaurants, Canyon Cafe. A much needed casual dinner after all we had experienced in June. It was such a treat to wake up in the morning and not have to rush around. After attending a fabulous brunch, we spent a very lazy Sunday together. One of my favorite things to do is shop so Ryan conceded and we spent some time walking around the Galleria window shopping.
No one else I'd rather be with... always. I love you, My Love.

Sugarland Skeeters!

We recently attended a Sugarland Skeeters game with the three other couples and four other children! What an awesmoe ball park!! There is a playground for kiddos and a splashpad. As if that isn't enough to keep one busy, the picnic area has it's own pool. Overall, it was beautiful chaos but such a great experience!
Two lil' buddies visiting with the opposing team!
 Camera lens = eye patch. Naturally.
Trying to stay cool in this warm weather!
The Parks :)
"Dede" (Lindy's Mom) with Ella; Me with Matt and Lindy's kiddos! 
 Silly Daddy... CHOMP!
 Lindy with our Charli Kate :)