Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 9, 2009


We are excited to announce that Baby #2 is on the way! Cade is very excited about becoming a BIG brother :) Ryan's first question was "One or two?" Of course we are only having one, Honey! We are due November 3 but with a Cesarean, Baby will arrive in late October, 2009. So fun! We cannot wait to "find out" if it is a boy or a girl. I am 10 weeks along and feel well so far, just fatigued. "They" say pregnancies are totally different - and WOW is that the truth! Yay for Baby #2!


Jill said...
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Jill said...

Congratulations Ryan and Kathlene! Caden will be a great big brother! Happy Easter!

The Nugen's said...

YAY! Congratulations! Can't wait to see more pictures!

Lexi said...

Adam told me the other day that you guys were expecting again, so I just wanted to take the time to stop by and say congratulations! Caden has a lot to look forward to --- siblings are so much fun!

DPhil said...

Daffodils were one of Mother's favorites...New Spring, New Life, God's love and grace are great!!!God bless you all!! Love, Mom

Sam, Jill and Aubrey said...

Congrats and how exciting for you guys!! What fun and I am jealous in a way too, but we'll have to wait till this adventure is done before starting another one! Hope things continue to go great!! Miss you!

Homan House said...

Yeah! Congratulations! Megan is so excited to have another cousin on the way!