Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

7 days old and 16 1/2 mos.

We have two children! Sometime between last Friday and today it hit us... we have two children! One.. two.... Things are crazy-wonderful, if that at all makes sense?! We wouldn't have it any other way! Ryan and I were so happy with one beautiful son that we didn't even realize how much we needed our Charlotte.She completely fills our family :)

Above, Charli Kate 7 days old. Her wellness exam went perfectly. Right, Cade 8 days old... this is just a fun comparison!
Below to the left, Cade kissing his "g-ish" (goldfish). Mimi and Granddaddy gave him this fun animal :) Below to the right, "TRAAAAASSSHHH!"


We had many visitors during the stay at the hospital. Charli Kate loved meeting her family and friends.

G'ma and Auntie Jen

Mimi, Granddaddy, Aunt Sandra, Lauren

Ashley and Lindy

Natalie & Stew

Dr. Hardwick-Smith



Many more came to visit when we arrived at home. We had many pictures from the weekend but our camera needs servicing :( We weren't able to get those pics uploaded and have temporarily switched to our "old faithful" Kodak.
Lauren came to stay on Friday and Saturday. Cousins George, Ann, Allison and Haley Jean drove in from Danbury on Saturday for a lively visit. Cade loved playing with his cousins! Sandra Ruth also drove into town on Saturday and Sunday. Her friend Peter (Cade calls him Peet-Peet) joined in the fun. Our friends Karen, Adam and Ali visited on Sunday - thanks so much for the yummy kolaches! And Friend Ginny paid us a visit during the week. Charlotte and Caden love to have visitors - we really cannot get out right now and have appreciated the company :) Thanks so much!



Friday, October 23, 2009

Beautiful Charlotte

Everything about our second pregnancy went faster, from the actual pregnancy to the hospital check-in to the delivery of our sweet baby girl. Ryan had to wear a face mask throughout the day due to a sore throat. His sore throat was not symptomatic of an illness and he didn't have a fever. However, he felt like he needed to take precautions, just in case.

The delivery went smoothly with no complications. Little Charlotte Kathlene was born on Wednesday at 2:03 PM. She weighed 7lbs, 2oz and measured 19 in long. Her hair is dark brown and eyes are slate blue. She has full beautiful cheeks and pink rosey skin. She is so beautiful and we love, love, love her.

We were able to go home on Friday afternoon. We were so happy to be with Caden and Charlotte. Cade was wonderful and welcomed Charli Kate home better than we could have ever dreamed! He pointed and said "Cha-Cha" and kissed her several times throughout the evening. He hugged us both and continued to play as if nothing in his life had changed. What a great big "bubba!" Life is so good!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

To the Hospital We Go...

A few of our out-of-town relatives have trickled in and a few of our in-town relatives will meet us at the hospital. Caden is ready for major spoiling-time with grandparents :) Ryan is completely calm and excited to see Charlotte. He is going to be such a sweet girl-Daddy! I have been tearful these past few days because at times the "uncomfy" stage is more than I can bear. Then, of course, I immediately feel guilty because I know that these are the last moments that Charlotte will truly be safe and sheltered from all that is today's world... All of the sudden, I am feeling a bit nervous. My heart knows that everything will be fine. But there is an anxiousness that today is The Big Day. This pregnancy has flown by and it is all of a sudden a bit unrealistic to me that we have actually arrived at Charlotte's Birth-day. "I am so excited to see my little girl," sounds wonderful when I say it aloud, and so unbelievable. I am so grateful to GOD for this blessing. I cannot wait to see every inch of her, hold her, kiss her... (deep breath) to the hospital we go!

We will keep you posted via Blogger/Facebook/text messages. Love to all!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Foo-fall and Pun'kins

Saturday was a full day of fun! We were able to watch Daddy play flag football. He was an awesome defender with one interception, several caught passes and a completed halfback pass! Cade was hysterical. He kept running on the field, trying to join in game and shouting "Da-da" and "foo-fall." He also did a great job cheering on the team with continuous clapping. However, we were only able to attend the first game...
The rest of the afternoon was spent at the pumpkin patch with new/old friends from our Bible Study class. To our delight, Auntie Jen joined in the fun. Cade had a blast running between she and Daddy. After we selected pumpkins for the kiddos, we celebrated the newest babies in a nearby park with yummy treats for everyone. The Fuller's did a great job of putting on this creative baby shower. Thanks for such a wonderful day! Sadly, we had to cut out early because Caden had been barely functioning throughout the fun (awake since 7 AM without a nap).

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

1 week and So Happy!

So happy, doesn't begin to describe... We are thrilled that in one week, we will be able to hold our Charlotte! We have received more than what we could ask for in a family and are so happy to grow it one more person. Just a few last minute finishing touches to prepare for life's change... washing all the linens throughout the house, updating the Baby Memory Books, organizing and reorganizing anything that might cause a set-back in time management, etc. Caden has been a dream these past few months... and such a big helper! Of course this is not out of the usual. We are so proud of him. I am not getting a ton of sleep; the ballerina in my belly does her stretching exercises between 2 AM and 6 AM! I will be thankful when this part is over. However, we are keeping our eyes on what will be a great payoff!!! Our last doctor's appointment was today. It went smoothly and we are planning to check into the hospital next Wednesday for our scheduled c-section. Whew!

Monday, October 12, 2009

The Big 2-9!

We had a wonderful weekend celebrating Ryan's birthday. On Friday, we met G'ma and Auntie Jen at Rudy's BBQ. Everything was so yummy! Cade had a great time running around with family, too :)

Cade only has eyes for his Auntie in this shot!

Eating a "pu-pay" (catch-all word for cake and cupcake) with G'ma!

Unfortunately for the birthday man, he had to work on Saturday. But after, Ryan played flag football (his new Saturday hobby). Even though they lost both games, he was a fantastic receiver and also had one interception! We had just enough time left in the day to we celebrate Daddy with cake and presents.
Happy birthday to the sweetest husband and best father in the world!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


On Friday, Caden and I joined some of our sweet friends for a brunch/playdate. The mommies enjoyed delicous breakfast and the kiddos had so much fun playing together! Caden provided the musical entertainment and practiced pushing a baby doll around in her stroller. The ball pit was also a big hit. Thanks for putting this together Vanette!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

36 Weeks Expecting... 14 Days Left

Charlotte's wellness-check went well today. In two weeks she will be with us and we cannot wait. All of her precious clothes are washed and ready for her to wear. Our bags are packed, just in case our fake contractions become real ones.

Some local hospitals are taking precautions and not allowing children under 12 years into the hospital, unless they are patients. We haven't heard that Memorial Hermann-TMC has done this, YET. But it would really cramp our plans of re-introducing Caden and Charlotte to each other. As I have said before, I guess I'd better get used to not being able to plan things ;)

Fountain Friends

We are trying to meet up with as many friends as possible before Baby Charlotte shows her beautiful face. Last night, after a yummy meal at Berryhill with Karen and Adam, we headed to the fountains at Market Street. Ali and Cade had so much fun splashing around. Thanks for suggesting this, Harwells!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

CB&I Goes Diapers!

On Monday, Ryan's office threw us a diaper shower! Two babies = great need for diapers ;) Ryan's coworkers really outdid themselves. Everything was wonderful, from the delicious homemade dishes to the cute pink and green table decor! The cake even had Charli Kate written acoss the front. I am only so sad that I left without taking a single picture. (Where is my brain?!) We received MANY diapers and so many cute outfits for Charlotte. Thank you so much for such a thoughtful day and for the super cute goodies! Ryan and I appreciate you!

A shot of the beautiful flowers (taken at home, post party) and thoughtful cards.

Cade swimming in diapers!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Love Our 'Lil Pun-kins!

October is here! In less than three weeks we will have our Charlotte :) Can't wait!!!

This was a fun little pre-Halloween project :)