Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We had many visitors during the stay at the hospital. Charli Kate loved meeting her family and friends.

G'ma and Auntie Jen

Mimi, Granddaddy, Aunt Sandra, Lauren

Ashley and Lindy

Natalie & Stew

Dr. Hardwick-Smith



Many more came to visit when we arrived at home. We had many pictures from the weekend but our camera needs servicing :( We weren't able to get those pics uploaded and have temporarily switched to our "old faithful" Kodak.
Lauren came to stay on Friday and Saturday. Cousins George, Ann, Allison and Haley Jean drove in from Danbury on Saturday for a lively visit. Cade loved playing with his cousins! Sandra Ruth also drove into town on Saturday and Sunday. Her friend Peter (Cade calls him Peet-Peet) joined in the fun. Our friends Karen, Adam and Ali visited on Sunday - thanks so much for the yummy kolaches! And Friend Ginny paid us a visit during the week. Charlotte and Caden love to have visitors - we really cannot get out right now and have appreciated the company :) Thanks so much!



1 comment:

ginngilaina said...

Yay! I made the blog :)

I had a nice time visiting you guys and seeing Cade and Charlotte.

- Ginny