Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fast Paced Life and Loving it!

Cade loves HIS "Cha Cha." So much, that we often have to intervene with his cuddling. But he is very good with using what he calls"sofffff" (soft) touches. He is also getting better with kissing her cheeks as opposed to gently knocking forheads with Charli Kate. He is 18 months old and in a super-busy stage. We are calling him Motor Baby these days. Charli Kate is so big... I can hardly believe she is 2 months old on Monday and over 12 lbs! I cried last week when we dressed her in her 3-6 mos. clothing...
She adores Daddy and always looks for him. She smiles when we cluck our tongues at her and touch her nose or chin! Her baby acne is almost completely gone - what a beauty. Charlotte is quite the observer, always taking in her surroundings and company. She is content just being cuddled and she LOVES being sung to.

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