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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 15, 2010

A Bit o' Irish?

Whaaaaaaat? I just found out that the Phillips' side of the family has AT LEAST 50% Irish blood. I learned this fact after we celebrated our St. Patty's Day holiday a wee bit early. We had a traditional Irish meal with Rueben sandwiches and yummy sides. We toasted the begining of the special meal with homemade Bailey's and ended with homemade Irish Cream Cheesecake. Such a fun day!


Lexi said...

Sounds like fun! Very cute family pics :) Is this the first time you have delved into your genealogy?

Jill said...

Yum!! You are making me hungry! I'll have to get those recipes from you! Miss y'all!

The Parks said...

You can make homemade Bailey's? That could be bad news around here! :) Looks like fun!