Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Sweet the Little Ones

How sweet are our son's toes as he tries to slip on a grown-up's pair of shoes. How sweet these little fingers that wrap around my own. Soon the fingers will not need my hand for guidence. Soon they will be able to steer a bicycle and then an automobile.
The sweet coos of our infant have begun to sound like words. As I listen to her tones I am assured that she has an amazing singing voice. And the sweet phrases our toddler speaks are becoming easier to understand with every passing day... filling my heart with memories yet making it hurt.
All too soon they will be off to grade school and then high school. Tomorrow they will graduate into the "real" world. The day after they will start their own families and have their own children.
My memories of their early days are too quickly becoming still images that I use to jog the experiences. Life is such a gift and yet we cannot help but take it for granted. It is moving so fast and I am so tired. I want to tell everything to "Just please, please slow down!" But I know it would be futile. I just want to ask God for one more hour in the day so that I may just breathe them in without any other distractions. But an hour would not be enough to breathe in my sweet little ones...


The Parks said...

This post goes straight to my heart, Kathlene. I just can't believe how fast the kiddos are growing up and every day I look at Jemma and wonder how the time is going so quickly. How blessed we are with sweet babies!

Tammie.Allison said...

So so sweet and so very true. I love the age Audrey is now but I know it is not going to last for long. Makes me happy but my heart hurt too. I wish they can stay babies for longer then they do.