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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Got Paint?

On Sunday we began painting the downstairs. I was hoping to brighten up the living room and kitchen with a creamy color, intro... Blonde Bombshell. This quickly became tricky because our downstairs has an open floor plan with the dining room, kitchen and living room flowing into each other. Therefore, we have three different light schemes. This REALLY became a challenge as Blonde Bombshell only looked good under fluorescent lighting in the kitchen. It looked like pale yellow in the living room and lemon yellow in the dining room. Bleh! After we had painted the entire living and dining room, I very disappointingly went back for more samples. We settled with Sausalito and now are almost finished. Cade, pictured below, paints with the roller brush, which he calls the "very high." He is such a great helper!!

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