Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tulips are Red, Roses are Pink

We had our date night on Friday at our local favorite, Crescent Moon. This hidden treasure has the yummiest food! G'ma babysat while we enjoyed a quiet and delicious dinner out. Thanks G'ma!
Valentine treats for the kiddos :) Daddy couldn't meet for lunch so Mommy took the kiddos to the Cracker Barrel for a yummy brunch. We had a great time and even better, we survived the outing!
Uh oh...
All better!
Lemons are yellow, fruity cutie yellow!
 Playing with dolls while waiting for Daddy-bear! Charlotte will play cars with Caden as much as he plays dolls with her, which I think is sweet.
 And finally, a relaxing dinner with adult conversation after the kiddos (whew!) are put to bed.
Love you, My Love!

1 comment:

Lexi said...

What a sweet day :) Love the pics and the song too!