"Thriving and thirty..." is what a friend wrote in her sweet card to me on my 30th birthday. Quite a positive thought and completely appropriate, given the occasion! I just wish that I could have approached this occasion more gracefully. There is a chance that very few of you will sympathize with my feelings. But as the date neared, I felt emotional and panicked. Not because of what I didn't have but because of everything we do have and how little time we seemingly have to enjoy all these wonderful moments. Slow down, life! SLOW DOWN! I can remember being 15 years old, changing schools due to yet another move, and wishing to be 18. For then, I thought, I would be able to make my own choices. Sure, 18 came and I realized that I wasn't quite an adult. Still under the thumb of a few select authorities (the state, my parents, the Dean), I thought to myself, "Self, 21 must be the enchanting age of adulthood!" Of course, 21 came and went with nothing greatly changing in life. In my early to mid-twenties, I can remember having a lonely heart and praying for a family of my own... just wishing to have a sweet church wedding, with a loving husband and many babies (don't laugh!) shortly thereafter. Here I sit, at my 30th year, content and happy with everything I could ever want and feeling so foolish and saddened to have wished these wonderful moments to approach more quickly. Because now, time that was flying is now picking momentum and hurling us into the future. Soon, it will all pass too quickly. I guess that is what is so enchanting about adulthood. You can dream and choose to have any life as long as you put in the appropriate efforts. However, the great cost of happiness is time and energy, which is more precious to me now than ever... just look gaze upon our beautiful babies below!
Festivities leading up to the big 3-0...
Celebrating last weekend with my girls... Happy Birthday, beautiful Courtney, my b-day-bud!
The day before my birthday, we went to Kemah for dinner and fun... Yummy Landry's!
The train ride and ferris wheel are classic "want-to-feel-like-a-kid-again" fun! Thanks to my sister Sandra for joining us! Love you!
On Sunday, my incredibly thoughtful hubby decorated our house in princess paraphernalia to distract me from the number 30! He even got me a "princess" tiara! We had a very relaxing evening with yummy fajitas, cake and presents! Many thanks to my family and friends for the beautiful cards, warm wishes and thoughtful gifts! I love you all! Thank you to my sweet mother-in-law who baked my delicious chocolate on chocolate birthday cake!
28 years ago, someone's little girl was blowing out two candles on her birthday cake...

In less than six months, my Charli will be doing the same thing as the little girl above.
1 comment:
I'm so glad that you had a great day yesterday and I am so with you about time slowing down! It's crazy how fast just this year has gone. Love you and your sweet family!
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