Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

120 Hours in CO

We flew to CO for some fun with family last week.  This is how our 120 hour visit breaks down...
We went for a fun picnic in the mountains.  The kiddos love to climb rocks!

We also went to the Aquarium.  At dinner, mermaids swam next to us in the large tanks and captivated Charlotte!
On Tuesday Charli Kate came down with a tummy-bug, so we rested all day long.  That evening Aunt Samantha and her mom came over for a special visit while Uncle Lane was working.
Wednesday, we went to Mimi and Granddaddy's club and swam in one of the many pools. This was the indoor heated pool. I should have taken more pictures of this place. It it amazing!! That evening we attended Mimi's work picnic in Boulder.  After dinner, we had so much fun riding trains and go-carts, playing mini-golf and arcade games...

 As long ago as I can remember, my dad would always buys us souvenier t-shirts when he would travel on his fire fighting trips.  I have a collection of fire t-shirts that could make two t-shirt quilts.  When Caden was born, he began collecting t-shirts for our kiddos.  Below is a picture of the kiddos new fire t-shirts from Granddaddy's most recent trip.

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