(Let me begin with saying that this morning was the most organized, chaotic fun I have had in quite some time!)
1) If while fielding one retrieves a ball, it is okay to run the ball to the base to tag the opposing player out rather than throwing it to the teammate covering the base. This just makes sense.
2) If a ball is hit in the in-field, every player on the team must run to retrieve the ball. Tackling is okay if deemed necessary.
3) The only thing that takes longer than growing up is waiting in the batting line. Especially if your last name begins with a 'T'.

4) It is okay for multiple players to run off the field at any time during the game to say 'Hi!' to Mommy and Sissy. I mean, why not?
6) Even the pros wear coats during cold weather. They have to keep their arms warm. Seriously, ask Craig Biggio.
Way to go Caden!
Love, Papa and Pam
Seriously cute!
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