Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 6, 2012

June is Full of Fun!

Some of our WA State familycame to visit a couple of weeks ago...
Ryan's Aunt Lisa, his Cousin Sarah and her twins, Hayden and Hunter!!
We had so much fun playing together :)

 In the afternoon, G'ma and Auntie Jen came over to hang out, too!
Ryan grilled fajitas while the kiddos played outside!
Lone little lady.
Slip 'n slipe race!
 Playing catch!
I think it is safe to say that we had a great time with them!
Later that afternoon we attended a wedding for Ryan's friend Amy and her husband Doug.
Coolest Aggie Groom Cake I have ever seen! 
Loved goofing around in the photo booth! Congrats to the sweet couple!! 
 And later that night, attending dinner club :)
The next day we went to the beach with our family! It was our anniversary but we decided to postpone celebrating and enjoy the warm weather in Galveston...
Here is the new Pleasure Pier... looks fun!!
Perfect weather :)

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