Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 5, 2013

"Dialing" Eggies and Easter Celebrations

The Thursday before Easter, Charli Kate and Mommy headed to the airport bright and early to pick up the Easter Bunnies. Grandparents generally equals nutty behavior? I am just saying ;)
We had a full schedule of fun plans. On Good Friday we had fajitas and then "dialed" eggies (as Cade says).
On Saturday we enjoyed an Egg Hunt near the house and then ordered in
yummy Chinese food (our Easter Eve tradition)...

On Easter, we found eggies hidden by "someone" all over the house and opened many goodies. There were carrot shavings on top of the kitchen counter... Who would do such a thing?!
AND MOST IMPORTANT, enjoyed a wonderful service celebrating that Christ is Risen at The Woodlands Pavillion given by FBCTW and Dr. Bruce.
Then back home to open treats with G'ma and enjoy an Easter Feast: PW Glazed Ham. hashbrown cups with cheese grits, sugar syrup fruit salad, beans and corn bread! Thanks to G'ma for bringing the yummy homemade bread pudding!
We ended the lovely day with a special painting project from a sweet friend!

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