Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Fun!

Every Labor Day, we are invited to Uncle Paul and Aunt Susan's ranch in Bronte. It is a wonderful excuse to get together to celebrate family. This trip was especially fun, as Cade continues through his curious phase! His favorite activity was to go "side" (outside) and play with the puppies and then the rocks. We love to visit and can't wait to see you again very soon!

The sleepy boys cuddled up together before nap-time to watch Veggie Tales or as Caden calls them, "Tay-Tales."

Pictured left, Caden and Jael. Right, Great-Granddaddy Paul.

Granddaddy and Mimi with Cade, below.

Ryan, Jael, a very tired Cade, Kathlene, Stewart and Natalie


Lexi said...

It's so nice to get out of town every once in a while... glad you guys had such a good time! The pic of Cade and Ryan on the couch is too cute :)

The Parks said...

I love the picture of Caden and Ryan together on the sofa. . Caden looks like he's had such a long day :)