Charlotte will be here in less than 4 weeks. All went well at the doctor's office yesterday. Charli Kate is estimated to weigh about 5 lbs., now. Which will give her an approximate weight of 7 lbs at birth. This is a bit heavier than Caden was but that makes sense with how different this pregnancy has felt compared to our first. My doc said that she had recently "dropped," which was also different from Cade. When he dropped, it felt as though the earth moved beneath me. I only recently noticed that Charlotte had moved further down but wasn't aware that she had fully dropped. I guess it is a good thing we scheduled the Caesarean at 38 weeks. The ultra-sound showed a lot of hair on her head! She also has big squishy cheeks and a beautiful nose and mouth. Technology is so amazing - even the changes that have happened in the last 15 months are impressive. See little Charli's pictures below...

Baby is laying on her side, facing the screen. The dark circles are where her eyes would be. (If you tilt your head to the right, her face is more clear.)

Here is the shot of her profile. Her nose is pointing up and it looks like she is blowing bubbles :) The object on top of her chest is her fist, with a little thumb pointing to her chin.
Wow!! I couldn't help but say exactly that when I followed your directions and tilted my head to the right... she is beautiful!! You are right, a perfect nose!
Won't be long before she is here! She is beautiful! Love the pics. Will be thinking about you a lot as the time for her arrival gets closer and closer.
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