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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

36 Weeks Expecting... 14 Days Left

Charlotte's wellness-check went well today. In two weeks she will be with us and we cannot wait. All of her precious clothes are washed and ready for her to wear. Our bags are packed, just in case our fake contractions become real ones.

Some local hospitals are taking precautions and not allowing children under 12 years into the hospital, unless they are patients. We haven't heard that Memorial Hermann-TMC has done this, YET. But it would really cramp our plans of re-introducing Caden and Charlotte to each other. As I have said before, I guess I'd better get used to not being able to plan things ;)


allaboutcade said... have the cutest maternity clothes ever! where are you shopping?? cant wait to meet your pretty little girl:)

Lexi said...

We are so excited for you guys and can't wait to meet her at the hospital! :)