Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 9, 2011

Are We There Yet?

We traveled by plane to CO to visit family last week. The flight there was... not great. But we were happy to land and excited to begin a bit of much needed vacation!
 Gig'Em, Granddaddy and Mimi!
 Our first adventure was indoor skydiving. This event has quickly become a favorite tradition for the family. Below, Caden with Uncky Lane receiving earplugs from the instructor.
 Second timer, Caden Thompson!
 Below, Daddy is a natural!
 Granddaddy, Charlotte, Daddy, Uncky James, Uncky Lane, Caden and Aunt Sasa
 Charlotte was not at all interested... maybe a little interested!
We love our Uncky Lane and Aunt Samantha!
 Thompson Family: Professional Indoor Skydiving Team

1 comment:

Amanda said...

LOVE your last picture in this! And thanks for the post... I know you know what I mean when I say WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?! My babies...