Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Bee-day!

Our BEEautiful Charli Kate is three... how quickly the time passes. I remember just yesterday how I held you in my arms at the hospital, in awe, not quite believing that you had come from me because you were such a beauty but still knowing that you were mine. Perfect weight, perfect skin tone, perfect eyes, perfect fingers and toes, perfect eater, perfect baby smell. Simply perfect. With you, we felt complete. I thank GOD everyday that we spend together. You are so sweet and funny. Always, always thinking outside of the box, doing the unpredictable and doing it well! You challenge me more than anyone student ever has and that is a great thing. You are most special!!
 We celebrated Charlotte's third birthday at the house with an intimate crowd. Her theme was bumble bees!
Brunch goodies including cream cheese filled STINGERS, homemade bumbleBEE nutella pop-tarts, unBEElievable susauge egg and cheese buicuit cups, HONEYcombs, HONEY pretzels and yogurt cover raisins satisfied the kiddos.
 The Bee-attitudes :)
 Bumble bee foot art for the kiddos to work on while others played on the playset!
Happy memories for all :)
After cupcakes we headed inside to open the Queen Bee's presents!
Thanks to all for you love!! It was a great day for Sweet Charli Kate!!

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