Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 2, 2012

My American Girl's Girl

Mimi and Granddaddy stayed for the week to help Mommy take care of a few necessary things! While they were here we went to the American Doll Store to celebrate Charlotte's birthday... what a fun day!!
She tried out EVERY display doll, then quickly set up shop playing with the Itty Bitty Twins. We had planned to get her the infant doll but she fell in love with the dolls that had hair. So we went against the plan and got just the little girl twin.
This was quite an exhausting experience but such a special one :) This trip to the American Girl Store was a dream come true... I had always, always wanted one, so it is fun to share this special event with Charli!
My American Girl's Girl... Charlotte named her baby "Charlotte" and calls her "Sissy."
 Happy BEEday Chocolate Cake!
Love, love love!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Libby has the same American Girl doll... her name is Ramona! :)