We are 18 weeks along this week and Baby Charlotte is the size of a bell pepper. I am feeling well, only a little nauseated. As I have mentioned before, this pregnancy is totally different! I have barely had an appetite but when I do, I crave won ton soup or RC Cola. Random! At my sonogram appointment, Charlotte was balled up and would not unroll to have her picture made :( When she finally did unravel, she quickly flipped over and turned her back toward the camera. But all is well with the pregnancy thus far and we are very grateful. It was this time during the last pregnancy that I couldn't prevent the nightmares of car headlights heading straight for us!
1 comment:
Love all of you posts...so cute! I had not seen the lemon and pepper thing before. Hope you get feeling great soon!! Cade is turning into quite the handsome little boy!!
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