We celebrated Caden's first birthday Saturday. It was just a casual get-together at the house with family and friends but a good time was had by all! The theme was sports and everyone came dressed supporting a favorite team. We enjoyed hamburgers, opening generous gifts and yummy cake with Cade!
Today, Cade turned one year old! It was as if we blinked and he is walking and talking and having his own ideas. He repeats most words now, at least up to the first one or two syllables. He is copying a lot of actions that we model and has finally mastered blowing kisses. He loves to walk by himself so we definitely have to work on the concept of holding hands, for the sake of safety. "Time flies when you are having fun" is not a cliche` but a startling truth. But we are so happy every day that we spend with our "bi-bubba" (big boy)!
Birthday dinner at Chuck E. Cheese's was fun. Some of the larger rides were scary but we loved playing skee ball and punching numbers on the play telephone.
Happy birthday, Cade! You are so cute!
Hope you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet boy!!!
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