Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Best Three Years of My Life!"

That was what Ryan said this morning when we woke up. And it really has been the best :) We celebrated with a casual dinner at Macaroni Grill. Caden loved our fettuccine! See the video of him "slurping" his food. Ryan and I desperately needed a new camera, our anniversary gift to each other. (Above, Cade is watching the "pup-pups" outside.)

21 weeks pregnant with Charlotte Kathlene, who we affectionately call Charli Kate. She is the size of a carrot this week! I have also been working on her nursery bedding for the past two days. We are pleased with how it is turning out :)

1 comment:

Sam, Jill and Aubrey said...

Happy Birthday to Cade!! And wishing you guys many more years!! Sounds like you had a fun time. By the way, love the bedding!!