Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend in CO

Charlotte and Mommy flew to CO over the weekend to celebrate our Cousin Melissa's wedding.  Of course, it was a "plus" that we were able to visit with Mimi and Graddaddy.  Charlotte, once again took a moment to warm up to Graddaddy but he bribed her with chocolate (sometimes we feel that we have lost our children to all of their grandparents) and she immediately came around.
 The pictures do not do justice to the lovely bride... Mom's flash was trying to compete with the overhead lighting...
Daddy swears he did not fall asleep during some of the prayer but he does not remember this "alledged" moment...
Congrats to the Newlyweds!
 Getting ready to watch the Aggie game together with none other than, CHOCOLATE!
 Charli Kate trying to make the flower pot into a hat??
Success!  Now off to catch our flight home!  Charlotte is an amazing traveler and was perfect on the plane.  She drew a crowd everywhere they went!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Two Cute

Recently, we attended a super cute birthday party for one of our sweet friends.  Her theme was owls and the details and decor did not disappoint!  The sweets were AWESOME!  You cannot tell from the picture above but each cupcakes had precious fondant owls on top :)
The kiddos had a great time at the playland...
Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"That's so Sammy!"

 Last week, Caden was assigned caring for the class pet over the weekend.  Granted, the class pet is a stuffed turtle named Sammy.  Never the less, he took his responsibility very seriously.  Sammy went everywhere we went.  And we kept a very detailed log of our adventures in Sammy's journal.
 At one point I saw Caden talking to Sammy and asked him to ask Sammy if he would like anything special to eat for lunch.  Caden (in an exasperated tone) told me not only could Sammy not talk but he didn't eat people food either.  He's not real, he's a doll, Mom!  Where did my three year old's imagination run off to?
Sammy cannot eat or talk but he can organize daddy's desk at his office.  What a big helper!  "That's so Sammy!"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Craft... A Craft Space

I really enjoy craft projects, when time allows.  I enjoy it so much that I could use an entire room in my house for projects, which is usally what happens.  In the past when I wanted to sew I would set up in the dining room.  At times the baby books have been spread across out bedroom floor for days (okay, weeks!)  And did I tell you that my parents gave me a Cricut (paper cutter/design machine) for my birthday this year?  I was so tired of messing up our home just so that I could have hobbies.  We just don't space for me to have my own craft room in our home.

Then I happened up an article in a magazine.  There was a picture of a teacher who turned an unused closet into her Craft Space.  Immediately, I thought, I can do that!!  So, this week I turned the storage closet into my Craft Space.  Behold the before picture...
 And after...
 When I am not using the light, it is unplugged and the cord stores behind the door.  The work surface is an unfinished door that I cut to size and painted.  It is supported with shelving units that store paper, tools, correspondance, sewing supplies, fabric, and wrapping ods and ins.
 My chair fits on either side of the sliding doors, though I one day I may switch the doors out for a pair that open from the middle to the outside.  I installed a shelving system and displayed a cork board to keep my ideas organized.
 I can easily slide my sewing machine out for a project, saving me tons of set-up and take-down time!
I have tons of little office supplies!
 My Cricut is ready to use at moment's notice!
The peg board to store ribbon rolls is my favorite addition!  I am so happy about how my craft, a Craft Space turned out!

Where were you when?

My generation's Where were you when_? moment was 9-11.  Relaxing at home on Sunday, we watched hours of footage and interviews.  Some of the details I had forgotten or maybe didn't note back then.  Obviously, I have more realization of the event now than I did as a 20 year old in College Station.

 In the front lot of a local church near our home, 2900+ crosses were displayed for those victims...
And continued across the street.

Incidentally, ten years earlier, I was driving to government class and heard some of the accounts over my car radio.  Ryan, who I had not yet met, on his way to Beutal (for those not familiar, Beutal is the not-great campus medical facility).  In the next couple of days the organization that Ryan belonged to, One Army, created and distributed thousands of red, white and blue t-shirts for all of the students and ticket-holders to wear to the A&M game.  See the video below...

Madame Alexander

Mimi came back from Southlake with us to spend a little bit of time before heading back to CO.  After a little brunch at Cracker Barrel, we went to the Doll Hospital in Old Town Spring and turned in my Madame Alexander Baby Victoria to be professionally cleaned.  My Aunt Sandra gave her to me when I was a baby.  Even though Baby Victoria is a collectable, one cannot really tell that she is 30 years old.  She is in great condition but her clothes had yellowed, her stuffing needed to be changed to non-allergenic and her crier was wearing down.  I am really looking forward to giving Baby Victoria to Charli Kate.  Charlotte is such a wonderful and caring Mommy to all of her dolls, including Baby Kaylin shown below.  I hope that she enjoys her as much as I did!
 We miss you Mim-ers!

Labor Day Blur

Armed with pillows, comfort items, toy laptops and a built-in DVD player we hit the road running to Southlake early Saturday morning for a weekend full of cousins on Mimi's side of the family!
Luckily we stopped in Centerville for a snack and hit the jackpot on a random picture with an over sized six-shooter on a smokehouse trailer! Talk about good timing!
 Once we reached the Dallas 'burbs we camped out in the pool all weekend!  I mean, why not?!
Sadly we were so lazy that I didn't get many special pictures but "Thanks Cousin Jael" for taking a few...
 Sibling high five through the window at the local Jamba Juice before the Aggies BTHO SMU!
 And I had to take a picture of this castle located right next to my aunt's neighborhood because... well, I had to.  It had been under construction during the past couple of visits we made to Southlake.  Seeing it completed, I was a little disappointed that I only saw three cars in the driveway and only one yellow Hummer?!