Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Labor Day Blur

Armed with pillows, comfort items, toy laptops and a built-in DVD player we hit the road running to Southlake early Saturday morning for a weekend full of cousins on Mimi's side of the family!
Luckily we stopped in Centerville for a snack and hit the jackpot on a random picture with an over sized six-shooter on a smokehouse trailer! Talk about good timing!
 Once we reached the Dallas 'burbs we camped out in the pool all weekend!  I mean, why not?!
Sadly we were so lazy that I didn't get many special pictures but "Thanks Cousin Jael" for taking a few...
 Sibling high five through the window at the local Jamba Juice before the Aggies BTHO SMU!
 And I had to take a picture of this castle located right next to my aunt's neighborhood because... well, I had to.  It had been under construction during the past couple of visits we made to Southlake.  Seeing it completed, I was a little disappointed that I only saw three cars in the driveway and only one yellow Hummer?!

1 comment:

Kim and Eric said...

My family and I moved to Southlake when I was in 2nd grade....but Southlake was not then what it is today. My parents still live in their humble little home in the middle of all these amazing homes. We love walking around and seeing all the mansions around the area. It has changed so much since I went off to Baylor. Hope y'all had a great time!