Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"That's so Sammy!"

 Last week, Caden was assigned caring for the class pet over the weekend.  Granted, the class pet is a stuffed turtle named Sammy.  Never the less, he took his responsibility very seriously.  Sammy went everywhere we went.  And we kept a very detailed log of our adventures in Sammy's journal.
 At one point I saw Caden talking to Sammy and asked him to ask Sammy if he would like anything special to eat for lunch.  Caden (in an exasperated tone) told me not only could Sammy not talk but he didn't eat people food either.  He's not real, he's a doll, Mom!  Where did my three year old's imagination run off to?
Sammy cannot eat or talk but he can organize daddy's desk at his office.  What a big helper!  "That's so Sammy!"

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