Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weekend in CO

Charlotte and Mommy flew to CO over the weekend to celebrate our Cousin Melissa's wedding.  Of course, it was a "plus" that we were able to visit with Mimi and Graddaddy.  Charlotte, once again took a moment to warm up to Graddaddy but he bribed her with chocolate (sometimes we feel that we have lost our children to all of their grandparents) and she immediately came around.
 The pictures do not do justice to the lovely bride... Mom's flash was trying to compete with the overhead lighting...
Daddy swears he did not fall asleep during some of the prayer but he does not remember this "alledged" moment...
Congrats to the Newlyweds!
 Getting ready to watch the Aggie game together with none other than, CHOCOLATE!
 Charli Kate trying to make the flower pot into a hat??
Success!  Now off to catch our flight home!  Charlotte is an amazing traveler and was perfect on the plane.  She drew a crowd everywhere they went!

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