Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where were you when?

My generation's Where were you when_? moment was 9-11.  Relaxing at home on Sunday, we watched hours of footage and interviews.  Some of the details I had forgotten or maybe didn't note back then.  Obviously, I have more realization of the event now than I did as a 20 year old in College Station.

 In the front lot of a local church near our home, 2900+ crosses were displayed for those victims...
And continued across the street.

Incidentally, ten years earlier, I was driving to government class and heard some of the accounts over my car radio.  Ryan, who I had not yet met, on his way to Beutal (for those not familiar, Beutal is the not-great campus medical facility).  In the next couple of days the organization that Ryan belonged to, One Army, created and distributed thousands of red, white and blue t-shirts for all of the students and ticket-holders to wear to the A&M game.  See the video below...

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