Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

U Can't Touch This

"U Can't Touch This" vintage onesie given by Auntie Jen, sunglasses provided by Uncle Mike and Karen.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

3 mos. - So fun!

Well, month three of Caden's exciting life came and went much too quickly. People used to tell us, and still do, how fast he will grow and change. We didn't fully understand this until experiencing it for ourselves. He is consistently smiling through conversations. He is babbling and cooing all the time. Ryan and I know he is saying the most intelligent things - we just wish we knew his language! Within the last few weeks he has become increasingly aware of his hands. I will catch him almost holding or purposely grabbing onto something. Sometimes it looks as though Caden is saying his prayers! We always knew that Caden was strong. He held his head up three days after birth. His legs are weapon-like while kicking. He is occasionally turning over from tummy to back and back to tummy. We have been attending a Gymboree class during the week. He is quite the social butterfly, always watching the other babies in the class. We have started to introduce sign language to Cade, just for fun. We know that he cannot act it out, but will soon be able to understand a few signs. Life continues to fly by during these happy days!

While in Dallas we visited Dealy Plaza, the JFK museum. We also swam often in Aunt Bobbye and Lloyd's pool. The puppies had fun roaming new grounds.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Friday evening, the calm before the storm.
It is hard to believe that Hurricane Ike made landfall over two weeks ago. We lost power early Saturday morning, Sept. 13. We were very fortunate. Our home had no damage. Many of the neighborhoods bordering ours were not as lucky. Some within Houston-metro are still without power. Please continue to pray for these families.
We "evacuated" post storm to my Aunt Bobbye's home in Southlake. She and Lloyd were very patient and helpful during this unnerving time. Ryan stayed with us for the first week, then returned to work. Caden and I followed upon hearing that power was coming. We flew home - Cade did very well on the flight! We were thankful to be at home, together.

Please view the link below for pictures and information regarding Hurricane Ike.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Happy 83rd!

Nanny celebrated 83 years on September 1st! Happy birthday - we love you!