Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Eleven Months and Taking Her First Steps

Charlotte turned 11 months old last week! We are having so much fun with our sweet girl. She is mimicking a lot of words including uh-oh, chocolate, down, done, bottle, and others that I can't think of right now. She is growing so fast... wearing 18 mo. sized clothes and weighing about 22 pounds. She took her first steps on Saturday evening and it was a wonderful end to a great day! The morning began with Charli Kate and I attending a Teddy Bear Picnic party at The Park's, while Ryan and Cade went to soccer practice. Then we all drove to Old Town Spring to attend the Annual Hot Rod Run. We had so much fun looking at all the competing cars! It was such a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On Friday, I picked Caden up at the end of his school day. Another little boy, Derek, was walking out of his classroom at the same time with his Mommy. All of the sudden, they realized they were both walking by each other and this cute conversation ensued:

Derek, waving, "HI! HI!"

Caden, "How's your day?"

Derek, "My day is fine. How are you?"

Caden, "Great!"

Some moments of silence and then...
Caden, "So... How's your day?"

Derek's mom and I died laughing at the two in their grown up conversation!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Special Family Breakfast

G'ma planned a special breakfast for the kids this weekend. They had yummy pancakes and orange juice at IHOP! Cade and Charli Kate had a blast and loved this special family visit!

Sweet 16

We spent Labor Day Weekend hanging with Cousin Jael. It was her 16th birthday!
Feeding the cows before heading to the 'Biker Church.'

Annual Southern Tea Party

Charlotte didn't know what to think of her hat or our silliness.

Sweet 16!

This one is special to me because I have a similar picture of myself holding Jael as a toddler and am about her age.

First days of School

Two Mondays ago, Caden met his classmates. He had fun practicing classroom activities and playing with his friends!
Looking so grown-up...
Cade has fun vaccuming, just like Daddy!
First day of Pre-K!

We love trucks!

Caden is playing trucks with Cade at his birthday party.

More Pics

Here are some more cute pics of our family weekend with Cuz' Shannon!