Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy B-day, Lil' A!

 Happy Birthday to our sweet friend Audra!! Such a fun day at Bouncing Bears!

Care Bear Staaaaaaare!

Recently, we could not determine what happened to my siblings and my childhood collection of Care Bear firgurines.  Mimi immediately got on to EBAY and began "Ebaying" Care Bears.  Several days later I received this box of less than clean figurines.  Seriously, it took me 24 hours to get up the courage to clean them because therealmost two complete sets and they were so gross.  But during the kiddos naptime I tackled the project with warm vinegar/water and a Scotch Bright pad! 
Remember the Care Bear Cousins?!
And who could forget Grams, Baby Hugs and Baby Tugs?!
Care Bear Stare!! So funny!