Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009

Caden loves bath time with Daddy!

We celebrated Cousin Haley's birthday at their home on Friday. Cade loves to swim!

This is the most recent picture of our daughter, taken Saturday :) She is so beautiful!

Check out the video below of Caden "being chased" by our puppies! Hilarious!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

"Best Three Years of My Life!"

That was what Ryan said this morning when we woke up. And it really has been the best :) We celebrated with a casual dinner at Macaroni Grill. Caden loved our fettuccine! See the video of him "slurping" his food. Ryan and I desperately needed a new camera, our anniversary gift to each other. (Above, Cade is watching the "pup-pups" outside.)

21 weeks pregnant with Charlotte Kathlene, who we affectionately call Charli Kate. She is the size of a carrot this week! I have also been working on her nursery bedding for the past two days. We are pleased with how it is turning out :)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Year Flies By...

We celebrated Caden's first birthday Saturday. It was just a casual get-together at the house with family and friends but a good time was had by all! The theme was sports and everyone came dressed supporting a favorite team. We enjoyed hamburgers, opening generous gifts and yummy cake with Cade! Thanks to all who could make it!!!

Today, Cade turned one year old! It was as if we blinked and he is walking and talking and having his own ideas. He repeats most words now, at least up to the first one or two syllables. He is copying a lot of actions that we model and has finally mastered blowing kisses. He loves to walk by himself so we definitely have to work on the concept of holding hands, for the sake of safety. "Time flies when you are having fun" is not a cliche` but a startling truth. But we are so happy every day that we spend with our "bi-bubba" (big boy)!

Birthday dinner at Chuck E. Cheese's was fun. Some of the larger rides were scary but we loved playing skee ball and punching numbers on the play telephone.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Swimming Lessons

We took Caden for his first swimming lesson last night at FINS. He had so much fun! He and Daddy really enjoyed the time together!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Fountain Fun

On Sunday we went to Market Street in The Woodlands. Cade had so much fun walking through the fountains. Check out the video below...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Bell Pepper Baby

We are 18 weeks along this week and Baby Charlotte is the size of a bell pepper. I am feeling well, only a little nauseated. As I have mentioned before, this pregnancy is totally different! I have barely had an appetite but when I do, I crave won ton soup or RC Cola. Random! At my sonogram appointment, Charlotte was balled up and would not unroll to have her picture made :( When she finally did unravel, she quickly flipped over and turned her back toward the camera. But all is well with the pregnancy thus far and we are very grateful. It was this time during the last pregnancy that I couldn't prevent the nightmares of car headlights heading straight for us!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Weekend Stuffs

We had a full weekend of fun stuffs! On Saturday, our little sweetheart, Ali Marie, celebrated her 1st birthday. Cade was happy to share her birthday cake!

Then, Ashley and I had a much needed shopping date in The Galleria. I didn't have much luck but Ashley found a bunch of cute baby girl items! It was so good to see you, Friend!

G'ma came over to visit on Sunday and we had so much fun! Cade really enjoyed the bonding time. He was very tired after they left :) We celebrated Mommy's birthday, the upcoming arrival of the Baby Charlotte and Little Cade received something special, too! He loved playing with his new ball and glove (though he didn't appreciate it when Daddy tried to use it as a hat)! Can't wait to see you again soon G'ma!