Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, January 16, 2009

7 Mos. Going on 18 Years

Friday marked Caden's 7 month - and a lively month it was! He went from growling to squealing to snorting like a piglet?!?! However, we are beginning to think that the squeals will be ever present. He is a very vocal baby. Cade recently graduated to the next skill level at Gymboree. On his first day with his new classmates, Caden played Baby Soccer. He didn't take his eye off the ball once and by the end of the game he was actually kicking at the ball. He is practically grown up. Caden hasn't started to crawl, yet. He only scoots, bounces and rolls. But he doesn't need us to put him to sleep anymore. He puts himself to sleep at 7:45 PM, sharp! He is drinking from a sippy cup. Caden's first tooth sprouted last Wednesday evening and he started eating solids this weekend. Plus, he is leaving for college tomorrow!! Not really, but it sure feels like that time will be upon us soon!

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