Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dedicating Caden Ryan

On Sunday evening, we Dedicated Caden Ryan. That is to say that we participated in a ceremony where we, his parents, promise to bring Caden up according to God's teachings. We felt so blessed to have so many people share this moment with our family. Thank you for joining us and thank you for your helpful prayers while we raise our son!Auntie Jen, Aunt Cathy, Cade, Ryan,
Kathlene, G-ma Joyce

Kathlene, Cade, Ryan, Auntie Lauren

Granddaddy Pat, Caden, Kathlene, Ryan, Mimmi Dianne, Aunt Sandra, Peter

Ashley and Tae Park, Caden, Kathlene, Ryan

Playing with Baby Sean (also dedicated) and Lillie O'Reilly while waiting for the ceremony to start.

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