Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 16, 2010

"Happy Mommy's Day"

Ryan and Cade had practiced the phrase "Happy Mommy's Day". I will never forget how sweet his little voice sounded as we drove to pick up kolaches that morning. They had worked together to make me a darling necklace and bracelet set with alphabet beads. The bracelet bears two small C's separated by a heart and the necklace says "We love Mommy." Ryan picked out a few other sweet tokens of appreciation. I am more tired than I have ever been in my whole life but so, so happy. I have the sweetest husband. In his presence I never feel underappreciated. So precious are our children that we would have a hundred more tomorrow, if all the elements were just so. My family is my whole heart!

On Sunday, after church we spent the afternoon with G'm and Auntie Jen. The wind made the water a bit chilly but we still enjoyed the yummy poolside BBQ. It was a wonderful weekend together!

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