Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Curious George, Fairies and Pirates

Caden's sweet friend Cole turned two and celebrated with a Curious George themed cook-out! (Loved the brisket!) We had fun playing in the pool but Charli Kate wore down quickly and we had to head home. Somehow, we didn't take any pictures but my friend Sarah made these yummy yellow cupcakes (I will have to get a pic from her). They were super cute!

The next day, we went a party with a Tinkerbell Theme. Cade's Friend Avery turned two and we joined the big bash at Incredible Pizza. The party was so cute but Caden was VERY tired and we had already had an extremely taxing day (story to follow). So we wished out friends a safe trip (they are moving to Scotland next week) and headed home. We are really going to miss the Wood's!
We loved wearing our fairy tiara's and pirate hats :)


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