Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 1, 2010

A Little Hostess Turning One!

Charlotte's first birthday was a wonderful blur! Literally 60% of the pictures taken at her party are blurry because of all the fun activity. Her theme was pink giraffes! The party was a success and we greatly appreciated sharing this event with our family and family-friends. Love to all!
G'ma, thanks for letting us borrow this cute cupcake holder!
The food spread included chicken salad sandwiches (Thanks, Granddaddy!), sausage rolls, green salad, orange fluff salad, artichoke dip, pink giraffe cookies (Thanks, Aunt Sasa!), pink cupcakes (Thanks, Mimi!) and pink punch (Thanks, Court!).
 Pictured above is a monthly age map of Charlotte. Pictured below are her birthday roses from Daddy.
Our family pictured below, before we opened the many thoughtful gifts for Charlotte (Thanks, Auntie Jen for writing everything down!). I cannot believe our perfect baby girl is no longer an infant but a toddler. I have been so emotional knowing that the countdown to the end of babyhood has begun. Our time with the children seems to VERY quickly be slipping through our fingers. It is such a short time to imprint the love your feel for them. These are such happy days for our family.

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