Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thompson/Phillips Family Week of Shenanigans

What a fun and FULL week we had last week with Mimi and Granddaddy and Papa and Pam all visiting at the same time!! Here are a few fun moments that we captured... above preparing to enjoy the Alaskan King Crab Papa and Pam brought from WA State!
 It is tradition for the kiddos to help Mimi bake bread!
 Adding a pinch of love...
 Pounding the risen bread down with our big muscles!
 Another day we celebrated Caden's birthday with his classmates (6 weeks early)! Bring on the cupcakes...
 Love this guy!!!!!
 Reading a story to the class before dismissal...
  Another day we were jumping off the walls at Bouncing Bears...
Such a fun week! More pictures to come!!


Lindsay and Toug said...

Looks like you guys had a blast! How did you feel overall about the kid's ages and their respective enjoyment? We're planning a trip for next December - JD will be almost 4 and Elise will be almost 2...

Lindsay and Toug said...

Ha! Totally meant for this to go on the Disney post and I have NO idea how it ended up here :)