Remember when...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Thanks And Giving

We were blessed with a big group this year, ofcourse Mimi, Granddaddy, G'ma and Sandra Ruth joined the fun. Also, Lane and Samantha flew in from Denver! So on Thanksgiving Day we tried to participate in all the traditional hoopla...
watched the parades, cooked in and out of the kitchen all day, watched and discussed football at length, ate a late lunch until we were stuffed, ate pie, and headed out to the Black Friday unknown. November has been a bit of a chaotic month for us. Mommy has had a couple of medical procedures and Charlotte was diagnosed with Mono and a touch of pneumonia. So I was lucky to get through Thanksgiving with only a minor grease debacle on our kitchen rugs.
Unfortunately, I was very ill prepared and didn't take a single picture of the day :(
And yes, we have much to be thankful for. But for this year I am most thankful for our health and the ability to pay for insurance!!
 Getting ready to head out to the Aggie Game... but first let's put up a few Christmas decorations!
 Silly Uncle Lane and Aunt Samantha!
Love these guys and miss you already!!

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